Leaving for work in the morning, I rarely think about whether this will be my last day on the job. Yet, if I were a truck driver, worked in construction or even a humble postie, I'd be praying more regularly for safety on the job.
Recent findings posted on comparison website LifeInsuranceFinder.com.au have highlighted that up to October of this year, 137 people have died on the job. The biggest category of workers are in transport, postal and warehousing. It seems the most common denominator in this category is the amount of time people spend on the roads.
In 2013, 186 Australians died from workplace related injuries compared with 137 deaths to October 2014.
Another telling finding is that Retail Workers have one of the highest incidents of workplace injuries, with "driving, explosions, contact with chemicals and being trapped between stationery and moving objects" as the most common causes of death.
Unsurprisingly, most injuries came from manufacturing and construction
These findings reminded me of the need to pray regularly for those I know who work in these industries and to remember not to take anything for granted, even living in one of the most advanced countries in the world.
Gabriel Lacoba