
A church shaped by God to shape the city

Grace City Church Chatswood is an emerging church plant with a vision of being a church "shaped by God to shape the city".

Led by affiliated planter and City to City International Intensive alumnus, Adrian Tam, last month Grace City Church Chatswood held their first Vision and Prayer Night in a café in the heart of Chatswood.

As told by Adrian:

Close to 50 people of all ages attended the event, which was a tremendous encouragement. We began the night with a time of worship, and given the amount of foot traffic that goes right past the cafe, there were many curious onlookers who peeked their head in to see what all the commotion was about.

During the evening, the Lead Elder of Grace City Church Dee Why shared about the journey God has brought them on over the past few years. After a time of prayer, Adrian spoke on the story of the five loaves and the two fish from Luke 9:10-17, challenging those present to consider their provisions, and how God might want to take them, multiply them and use them to feed the multitudes of spiritually hungry people in Chatswood.

Adrian continues:

It was incredibly exciting and invigorating to see a new community of people forming and rallying around the vision of seeing a new work of the Gospel planted in the heart of Chatswood.

Please pray for Grace City Church Chatswood as they embark on this new venture and prepare to commence their weekly launch team meetings.

Grace City Church Chatswood is a church plant of Grace City Church Dee Why. They are seeking to launch publicly in February 2018.

Pastors in Paris: Opposing Terror with Love

Pastors in Paris: Opposing Terror with Love

Worldwide, the body of Christ is mourning with Paris. On Friday 13th November, ISIS terrorists launched the most devastating attack on Paris since World War II, leaving at least 129 killed and 352 injured. How can you pray for and with pastors in Paris? Christianity Today has shared answers from pastors on the scene.

Pray for the peace and prosperity of our cities

We offer our prayers and best wishes to all who were in some way involved in the recent siege in Sydney.

If anything, the events of the past 24 hours have shown how fragile a thing peace can be in this present world. May all Australian Christians be united in their prayers for the peace and prosperity of the cities in which they live.

Let's also pray that we demonstrate the love of Christ in genuine ways to those who will be in shock, confused and angry by these events.