ReVision — City to City Australia


A Revitalise Australia Program by City to City Australia

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One of the best working definitions of poverty is not just a lack of money or options but the lack of a dream, a vision, a hope. It is the leader’s task to rouse the imaginative abilities that lie at the base of the human soul and awaken the possibilities of a new gospel future.
— Alan Hirsch


Having the vision to see a future that God sees for a ministry and then articulating that vision is vital for every ministry in understanding who God has called them to be and for providing clarity around where God has called them to go. Everything that a ministry does should flow out of a compelling vision of the future.

The presence of vision: paints a compelling picture of the future; gives direction and catalyses movement; inspires engagement and ownership; gives focus to time, talent and resource; and empowers leaders with the freedom to say no.

Conversely, a lack of vision: leaves a confused picture of the future; causes inertia and stagnation; creates apathy and disengagement; spreads resources thin and leads to burnout; and increases the risk of saying yes to everything.

What is Revision?

ReVision is a powerful workshop for churches and ministries of all shapes and sizes, denominational backgrounds, and all types of leaders.

This workshop helps to ‘get everyone on mission’ by articulating what God has called them to be and to build agreement on how to make it a reality.

Over two days, the ReVision workshop process identifies the specific goals, interventions and programs needed to realise the vision.

how will it impact your ministry?

The ReVision workshop is designed to lead each church or ministry to a place where they have:

who is it for?

Because the process focuses on helping each individual ministry identify their own unique vision and calling, it is applicable to ministries of every description. It is transformational for ministries who are:

  • Wanting to shift from maintenance mode to proactive mission and multiplication within their community;

  • Experiencing significant change around them in their community and cultural environment;

  • Transitioning to new leadership;

  • Looking to reach a new group of people;

  • Struggling to identify their reason for existence, or fearful for their ongoing survival;

  • Getting back on their feet after COVID.

Testimony: canterbury gardens community church, melbourne

Recently, the CGCC church in Melbourne held a ReVision workshop (led by Lead Consultant, Rod Morris) for their pastors and leaders. Click on the video below to hear what they had to say about the workshop:

If you would like to know more about how ReVision can help to cast a fresh and compelling vision for your ministry, then fill the form below and we will send you a brochure with more details and one of our team will contact you to discuss your needs further:

(ReVision is part of a suite of tools, consultancy, coaching, training and workshops under City to City Australia’s Revitalise Australia program. Following the ReVision workshop, there is further opportunity to access the expertise of the City to City Australia team through other elements of the Revitalise Australia program.)