introducing the 2nd gen incubator Core

One of the significant challenges facing migrant churches in the West is the cultural and linguistic barriers that first generation leaders face when trying to minister to the second generation of migrant’s children (the 2nd Gen).

The 2nd Gen are typically stuck between the culture of their parents and the Australian culture that they have grown up with. As they tend to be either bi-cultural or tri-cultural, the 2nd Gen often find themselves experiencing some form of identity crisis, and - at worst - may leave organised Christianity.

City to City Australia has developed the Incubator CORE (2nd Gen) to equip Christian leaders for this ministry.

At City to City Australia, we believe that the key to 2nd Gen ministry (and all ministry) is a deeper grasp of the gospel of grace and its implications for ministry as well as careful contextualisation to the culture that you, as pastors, are trying to engage. Rather than prescribing a specific ministry or church model, the 2nd Gen Incubator seeks to train leaders to contextualise the gospel to their circumstance. 

Taught in cohorts over 8 full days which enables peer-to-peer learning and spiritual formation, alongside input from experienced leaders and trainers, participants will develop skills to think theologically, missionally and contextually about how to develop a Philosophy of Ministry for the unique challenges that they face in their ministry context.


  • Adrian Tam - Assistant Director of Church Planting & Trainer for 2nd Gen Ministry at City to City Australia

*There will also be guest trainers who are experts in 2nd Gen ministry or the topic being covered in the module.

2nd gen modules

  • The gospel is not only the ABC of the Christian life, it is the A to Z. It is the message of what God has done in Christ, as well as the dynamic that causes on-going transformation of individuals and communities. “Every form of ministry is empowered by the gospel, based on the gospel, and is a result of the gospel” (Tim Keller, Center Church, p. 36).

    This module focuses on understanding the gospel and how it transforms how we understand ourselves, our churches, and its implications for 2nd Gen ministry. Participants will learn Gospel Theology and Theological Vision.

  • It’s not enough just to understand the facts of the gospel, it must be experienced. “The leaders of the church must always be bringing the gospel to bear on people’s minds and hearts so that they see it not just as a set of beliefs but as a power that changes us profoundly and continually” (Center Church, p. 54).

    This module helps participants understand the key concepts that lead to grace driven transformation such as Biblical anthropology, idols of the heart and grace renewal.

  • Shepherds in God’s church are called to be sheep first. Faithful shepherds call others to follow,as they follow the Chief Shepherd: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11.1 ESV).

    This module focuses on applying gospel theology in the life of the Christian leader, with an emphasis on developing a grace-centered understanding of the particular challenges of leadership in ministry. How do we measure success in 2nd Gen ministry? What does it look like to sustain faithful and fruitful ministry long term?

  • What are the problems faced by 2nd Gen Christians in migrant churches? What is the solution to these problems? The answer is grace renewal.

    This module explored the specific challenges faced by 2nd Gen Christians in migrant churches as well as different migrant church models that help address them. This module also helps participants see that the solution is not found in picking the best model but in corporate grace renewal.

    Participants will be equipped for the continuous spiritual renewal of their congregation by understanding the theological and relational dynamics of renewal, as well as the practical ministry issues involved in effectively planning for and bringing renewal into the life of the Congregation.

  • How can we minister to 2nd Gen people unless we understand their culture? How do we make sense of both Eastern and Western influences that form a 2nd Gen culture? What might it look like to minister effectively in a migrant/CALD ministry context where there is often a clash of values and culture?

    This module will explore the interplay between Eastern and Western culture and help participants develop cultural intelligence and cross-cultural skills. Participants will also learn biblical & cross-cultural conflict resolution and how to use the tools of demography & ethnography to develop a spiritual profile of the 2nd Gen community they are seeking to minister to.

  • The Apostle Paul proclaimed the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum (Rom. 15.19 ESV) in synagogues and marketplaces, to Jews, God-fearers and pagan Gentiles. He carefully crafted his message to affirm what was true, challenge what was false, and present Christ as God’s ultimate answer to each culture’s questions and hopes.

    This module focuses on understanding the 2nd Gen ministry context and how that insight can help us both communicate and develop forms of ministry which are meaningful to our community. This module also explores the specific challenges faced by 2nd Gen Christians seeking to do mission within a migrant church environment, the opportunities to reach the 2nd Gen community with the gospel and developing an evangelistic pathway.

  • What should the connection be between Sunday and the remainder of the week? Should Christians be involved in politics? Is the separation of life into “private” and “public” spheres biblical? Should we just preach the gospel or should we also be involved as a church in addressing issues of justice and compassion in a fallen culture? How should the church regard and relate to the surrounding community?

    Considering these questions and more, this module explores how church leaders can foster a holistic approach to Christian discipleship in the life of the churches they lead. Participants will explore the cultural idols faced by Asians when it comes to work and a biblical and integrated approach to thinking about faith and work.

  • Tim Keller maintains that the practice of “integrative ministry” - connecting the church to God, to one another, to the culture, and, to the city - is necessitated by the nature of the gospel, as well as required by the culture in which we minister. He also comments that “Success on any one front depends on success in the other fronts of ministry” - if we are going to have a fruitful ministry we need to be working in each of the four ministry axes.

    In this module we examine his last ministry axis, the call to connect the church to the city through ministries of justice and mercy. We will explore God’s call to his people to “act justly and to love mercy”, as well as how the gospel of grace both impels and empowers such a life.

    Despite focussing on 2nd Gen ministry, it is important for 2nd Gen leaders to have a broader vision for the city. What role can 2nd Gen Christians play in the advance of the gospel and the flourishing of society in the cities where God has placed them?

    We also will spend time looking at the nature of Gospel City Movements and how churches might work together to see their cities reached with the gospel for their good and God’s glory.

We are not currently running this program. If you are interested, please contact City to City at to register your interest and find out about potential locations and dates.