
Regeneration Church Launches!

After a vision evening and two preview services, Regeneration Church officially launched on 16 July 2017. By God’s grace they had a great launch service. Over 120 people came which was significantly more than expected as only 80 gift bags had been prepared. They had Seng Kee, an elder from Pantai Baptist Church, Stephen’s home church in Malaysia, as well as Paul, his City to City coach from Sydney. They had Pastor Murray Campbell representing Mentone Baptist Church and Matt Pingitore representing the Baptist Union of Victoria. In a great show of gospel unity, there were pastors and elders from other churches (Presbyterian, Brethren, Anglican, Independent Baptist, Pentecostal) who came to support them as well. There were many new people who were looking for a church and importantly, several non-Christians who came and heard the gospel preached.

In the weeks that have followed, Regeneration Church have been averaging 50 people in attendance with new people, both Christian and non-Christian, continuing to come to check out the church. They kicked off with a series on the Gospel of John, and are preparing to do a series on the Reformation and the 5 Solas to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. By God’s grace they have three Missional Communities (small groups) that have been able to accommodate the new people and integrate them into healthy community while having a missional mindset. They are now preparing for their first Baptism service as three people have asked to be baptised.

Thank God for an encouraging start to Regeneration Church! Please pray:

  • That God would work through the preaching of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit that many people would profess faith in Christ.
  • That Regeneration Church will continue to grow slowly but surely from week to week – both numerically, but also in the depth of faith and fervency for Jesus, his people and his mission.

Regeneration Church meets every Sunday at 4:30pm at 80 Catherine Avenue, Mount Waverley VIC. Find out more at

Monash to see a new church launched

Regeneration Church is officially launching next Sunday! They're a new church plant seeking to be a gospel centred, trans-cultural community.

They'd love for you to come along and join for this important occassion, and hear about how Regeneration Church want to engage in God's mission in the City of Monash.

Event Details:

Sunday 16 July 2017
St Philip's Anglican Church,
80 Catherine Ave, Mount Waverley

Visit the Regeneration Church website or check out the Facebook event for more details.

A Gospel centred, transcultural community for Monash

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Stephen Tan, together with his wife Kallie, will be leading a new plant within the City to City Australia network, Renegeration Church. Being sent out by Mentone Baptist Church, Stephen shares with us about how he became a planter, and their hopes for reaching the ethnically diverse suburb of Clayton and the City of Monash.

How did you become a church planter?

I grew up as a pastor’s kid in Malaysia. While I had seen a lot of my dad in action I didn’t grow up wanting to be a pastor. What I was keen on was evangelism. When I came to Melbourne to study at Monash University (Peninsula) I got involved in a church plant and in uni student ministry. Over time I became convinced that church planting is the best way to accomplish the great commission. I joined Mentone Baptist Church to be trained by Murray Campbell to be a church planter. I went to Ridley College to do my Master of Divinity and then I contacted City to City to do a church planter assessment and intensive.

How did the church plant come about?

I sought God for direction regarding what kind of church to plant and where. I was challenged at a conference to plant a church to reach the many migrants that were coming to Australia. My pastor and trainer Murray was passionate about reaching the students of Monash University (Clayton). So, we decided to combine both visions and plant Regeneration Church for the city of Monash. As a migrant and former international student at Monash myself I feel particularly equipped for this task.

We are Regeneration Church.jpg

Give us a description of the character of the community you’re reaching out to. What are some of the challenges involved in reaching out to this community?

According to SBS, Clayton is the most diverse suburb in all of Australia with 112 nationalities represented. We want to be a transcultural community that welcomes migrants from every nation some of whom have never heard the gospel or met a Christian. We also want to welcome the students at Monash University. There is already a lot of good work being done there by parachurch organisations and we want to come alongside them to both evangelise students as well as integrate them into a healthy, gospel-preaching local church. The biggest challenges that we face are finding a suitable venue that is close enough to the university that students living on or near campus and who have no cars can walk to. Secondly, students and migrants are a very transient demographic. We will face challenges in establishing a core community that are in it for the long haul as well as a sufficient financial base to make Regeneration Church financially self-sufficient.

Who's involved in the church plant?

Our core team is made up primarily of people from our sending church, Mentone Baptist Church, some students from Monash University as well as some friends who I and my team members know through our personal networks.

Regeneration Church's Preview Service #1, 21 May 2017

Regeneration Church's Preview Service #1, 21 May 2017

What are your hopes for the future?

I like to say that I have a goal for everyone I meet. For every non-Christian, I want them to come to know Christ as Lord and Saviour. For every Christian that I meet I want them to grow in Christlikeness and to be a disciple who makes disciples. From a practical standpoint, we would like to be self-sustainable in five years’ time and in future be a church that plants churches too.

How can we be praying for you?

Please pray:

  • That God will provide us with a suitable venue that is walking distance from the university
  • That God will provide for our financial needs
  • For unity and wisdom for us as a core team
  • That God will work by his Spirit so that many will hear the gospel, repent, believe and be saved

Regeneration Church will be holding a second preview service on Sunday 25th June in the lead up to their official launch in July, and they'd love for you to join!

To find out more, visit the Regeneration Church website: