Launch of Seed Church, Melbourne

Seed Church launched on the 21st January 2018 with the mission 'to make disciples who make disciples'.

Church Planter, Nat Clarke preached on Matt 13 and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. He spoke about "why we are called 'Seed Church'.  We want our church to be like the Kingdom/Mustard Seed:- it starts small and insignificant, but it grows steadily, quietly, but powerfully. It's a beautiful image of God's humble and multiplying ways, where small is big and slow is fast".

There were approximately 40 people at Balwyn Gospel Chapel and the team are thankful for God's provision of a building and welcoming elders. Please pray for Nat and the team as they:

  • continue to figure out what it looks like to be a team of missionaries sent to Melbourne and living out their identity as a family of missionaries making disciples;
  • thank Jesus for the amazing opportunity they have to serve him and for CVAT (Christian Community Churches); and
  • love that they are a part of what Tim Keller would describe as the 'R & D' department of the body of Christ. These are challenging times, but God is faithful!